Sunday, October 4, 2009

Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 Preview

It hasn't been a full year since we saw Intel launch their Core 2 Duo processors, but we will soon be seeing a line-up refresh. This is one product that really needs no introduction, but seeing as this is a refresh, refreshing everyones minds seems appropriate. Intel launched the Core 2 Duo to much fanfare last July. Months prior to this, enthusiasts were drooling over leaks of performance reports, which fortunately, turned out to be right on the money.

The entire Conroe line-up is built on a 65nm process, with the mainstream products offering 4MB of L2 cache. Improved over the previous Pentium 4/Pentium D line-up was better power efficiency resulting in a lower TDP and better overall temperatures. This is appreciated, as two cores under the same IHS can potentially create an unwanted room heater.

All but the lowest end Core 2 Duos take advantage of a 1066FSB. This is where this refreshed line-up comes into play, as it ushers in 1333FSB computing. This noticeable speed bump is all done while retaining the same TDP.

All Conroe 1333FSB processors are identified by by a 50 at the end of the product name, hence E6750, which is effectively taking over the spot of the E6700. Nothing has changed except for the FSB and speeds, except the ratio of course, which had to be altered in order to compliment the upgraded frequency.

One thing that should be cleared up is that most overclocking enthusiasts have already accomplished the same speeds we are seeing today, with most being exceeded. In fact, there is nothing stopping anyone from popping in an E6600 and overclocking using a 333FSB and 8 multiplier. That would effectively give you the exact same speed as the E6750 we are taking a look at today.

You might be wondering where the benefit is, with this official speed bump. Primarily it will benefit those non-overclockers most. There is no comparison to equal processor speed at 1066FSB and 1333FSB. That added FSB frequency should make a much more noticeable performance difference than the CPU frequency boost itself.

Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3.0GHz - Wolfdale Arrives

In the summer of 2006, Intel released their 65nm Conroe-based processors, and to say they won the hearts of many would be an understatement. It was one product-launch that Intel didn't want to hit lightly, especially since AMD were actively taking from their customer base - on the enthusiast side, most notably. When said and done, Intel did accomplish what they planned to do. They put the industry through a blender and showed us how to be excited about processors again.

Although frequencies with Conroe were not as high as what we were used to seeing from Intel, the folks in Santa Clara proved that a high frequency didn't mean much if the processor itself was inefficient. Indeed, a 2.4GHz Conroe Dual-Core proved just how much better an efficient processor could be, and it quickly became the most common processor choice for the enthusiast.

The following summer, follow-up processors were released, including the E6750 Dual-Core which we evaluated at the time. Besides speed bumps, those processors didn't bring much to the table in way of new features, except for native 1333FSB support. Instead, the processor we are taking a look at today is one of the few new models that effectively replace the Conroe-based chips that we came to love so dearly in summer of '06.

I won't delve deep into how 45nm improves on 65nm, as I explained all of that in our QX9650 review, but I will touch on things briefly. One large benefit that comes with all die shrinks is better power efficiency and lower temperatures. Chips have the capability to run just as fast, if not faster, than their predecessors, all while running cooler and drawing less power. It's a win/win situation.

But with 45nm, Intel introduced more than just a die shrink. The biggest feature that most people will be interested in is the SSE4 instruction set. It affects media-buffs only - those who encode videos - but the performance gains are so evident, that developers of such applications are bound to begin supporting it sooner than later. The speed increases could be as large as 2x, even though it's difficult to believe.

Other improvements include increased L2 cache, half-multipliers (eg, 9.5x), a faster front-side-bus, improved Super Shuffle Engine, Smart Cache (to improve how split loads are accessed and stored) and so many transistors on a single die, it can give people headaches to think about it!
The obvious downside of the QX9650 launch in November was the fact that no other processors complimented it. Therefore, it was QX9650 or bust - until now that is. During CES earlier this month, Intel officially announced their 45nm launch plans, which include the desktop side, server and also mobile. We found out at that time that the Quad-Core models (Q9300 - Q9550) were pushed back to sometime in Q1. Although a solid date was never settled on, original road maps showed January as the scheduled launch. However, the rumor is that due to poor performing Phenom Quad-Core sales, Intel decided to hold off on the launch to help push remaining 65nm models to consumers first.

So how does the road map stand now that some time has past? Although Intel announced near-immediate availability of all 45nm desktop Dual-Cores at CES, only the E8400 has shown up on e-tailers. One popular e-tailer has the other models listed for availability in April. How true that is, I'm unsure, but it's strange given the fact that they were supposed to be available by now.
Processor Name






1Ku Price

Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9775


2 x 6MB



Q1 2008
Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9770


2 x 6MB



Q1 2008
Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9650


2 x 6MB



Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550


2 x 6MB



Q1 2008
Intel Core 2 Quad Q9450


2 x 6MB



Q1 2008
Intel Core 2 Quad Q9300


2 x 3MB



Q1 2008
Intel Core 2 Duo E8500





Jan 2008
Intel Core 2 Duo E8400





Intel Core 2 Duo E8200





Jan 2008
Intel Core 2 Duo E8190





Jan 2008

The biggest downside to the road map is that the Q9xxx are not available. Once they are, they are no doubt going to sell like hotcakes, given the improvements over the previous generation and the fact that the prices do not increase. The upside, though, is that even though the E8400 is the lone desktop Dual-Core to be available right now, we can be happy that it is the model most people would be after.

What makes the E8400 such a great choice is the fact that it's affordable, at $220USD on average, and has a nice clock speed. Let's face it... where overclocking is not concerned, having a 3.0GHz CPU looks better to the ego than say, 2.66GHz. It's all about the smooth frequencies, baby.

Intel Core 2 Duo Processors

With 45nm Intel® Core™2 Duo processors, you'll experience revolutionary performance, unbelievable system responsiveness, and energy-efficiency second to none. And, you won't have to slow down for virus scan, multiple compute intensive programs, or home video editing—these desktop processors include Intel® HD Boost and are up to 70 percent faster when processing high-definition memories with your HD video camera.

Now the best gets even better with Intel's latest Core 2 Duo processors built using Intel's 45nm technology, using hafnium-infused circuitry to bring you the latest arsenal of performance-rich technologies. These amazing new processors include up to 6 MB of shared L2 cache, up to 1333 MHz front side bus for desktop, and up to 800 MHz front side bus for laptop.

Intel Core 2 Duo Processors

How to Over Clock / Basic Over Clocking Guide for Core 2 Duo

What will you need ??

1. Hardware setup
2. Softwares for the process

Hardware Setup

This guide will cover mainlly Intel Processors… Basically Intel Core based ones, such as,




For any Overclocking one thing is must, ur Hardware supporting Overclocking, mean u have a C2D but one Intel 946 / 965 based board, will mean no OC… as those boards doesnt allow OC…

Good Well Ventilated Cabbinet is needed as will generate a lot of heat for, large cabbi with few FANs so, for OCing high u will need to have cabinet modifications….
Better RAM, those Value rams of 667 or 800 is good for Ligh or mid range OC but will need better RAMs for sure…

Last of all, the most important, The motherboard…. one ASUS P5B-MX motherboard with 946 chipset will not going to oc the procy better, where as P5B DLx with P965 or P5N-E SLi with Nvidia 650 chipset or XFX 650i or higher ones like P35 Chipset based ones like ASUS P5K series and nForce 680i ones like P5N32-E SLi or XFX 680i, will overclock far more efficiantly than those 946 based or VIA based ones….

Before we start, lets learn What exactly is Over Clocking ??

What Softwares One would need ???

Really dont have much idea about Linux softwares, so i would expect all running Windows will suggest few which u will need in Windows…

Lots of Software to monitor the Heat lavel !! As every one says Its easy to Overclock but easier than that to Burn the Procy

Install and Run it in every startup and then minimize it, will show one info at corner of the screen… Like my bellow Screeny,

Core Temp Run it while Stability test under load for Temps monitoring

Pi Testing to test the stability of the OC…

orthos This is for a long time load test of the OC system !!!

ASUS PC Prob… Find in in ur ASUS Mobo CD
in one dumb sentence, what we do is, we increase the FSB / BUS speed by little mean, which in place (FSB / 4 = BUS) increases the CPU Speed BUS x multiple = CPU Speed… and when u OC high u need to increase the processor vcore (my case Default 1.24) to some stable vcore by one step at a time !!! also at some point u may see ur RAM fails to keep up so, u need to increase their voltage too, chip value rams will not allow more than 2.1v at any point…In my case, default E6600 FSB is 1066 MHz where as BUS speed is (1066/4) 266.5 MHz, so with multile 9 my E6600 runs at 266.5 x 9 = 2398.5 MHz So by trial and error Method I found one Stable at this, as my mobo allow FSB increase so, FSB 1575 / Vcore 1.5v / RAM voltage 2.178v….

So, the main idea is increasing the FSB / BUS without givng more vcore till the point where u need to put some vcore… as more vcore will mean more Heat !!!

Lets Start

So to start with in ASUS Boards Disable AI Tuning and CIA2 for Giga Byte ones…

BIOS Settings

Seting the PCI Expres (PCIe) @ 100MHz / PCI to 33 MHz
Disable the Q-Fan control to allow the Processor fan to runn at full speed all the time
Disable any thing which says CPUID MAX to 2
Disable C1E if running windows XP (well thats what all ASUS mobo manual says)

RAM Settings

Well make sure processor and RAM frequency is unlinked so, i would suggest keep the RAM frequency to default value…Till the point u cant boot or dont get stable OS, u dont need to play with the RAM voltage of Timings, but b ready on higher Overclock u will need to push the RAM voltage up [Razz] i got suggestion that Voltage is fine Till 2.1v !!! nothing up for our value rams…
Processor Settings

Some motherboards will allow increase of BUS speed (BUS x multiple) some will alow increase of FSB (FSB/4=BUS Speed)…

in any case, increase step by step, dont push a lot at a time rather step by step… till u find one stable max point…

Stability Testing

Well sure, u should be able to boot in to OS… and personal Suggestion make sure its a clean installation without any Startup object or AVS, as that delayes the time of start nessecary Temp monitoring sofwtares….

If u are unable to boot, means some vcore or RAM voltage !!!

Run CPU-Z to view ur speeds…

for me 1st thing is running PC Wizerd and minimize it to Start bar as that would give a lot of info at once… !!!

Running ASUS Probe

Running Core Temp

they will give info of idle temp…. Make sure, u stay in side the temp limit (explained later on)

Now Copy the SUPER PI Process EXE on 2 places, run those together (Dont start calculation, just run those EXE)… now from Tank Manager, Go to Process, right click on each of the Superpi.exe and put one on each core…

Now Start calculaiton for 2m pi for both at once… !!!! keep eye on ur Temp limits (Explained Later)… If system passes the test fine, proceed to later on, if ur system restarts, means u will need to push some Vcore and come bacnk again to here, even then its restarts, then some RAM voltage may be (Dont cross that 2.1v) !!!

Now when u pass the test next level of Load test

Load Test

Run one Instance of orthos and Start testing ur Procy !!! run it for atleast 1 hour keep an eye on the Temps (Core Temp / PC Wizerd) all the time… if u are crossing the denger lavel Stop the test and rebott back to lower the vcore and BUS/FSB too !!!

if u pass the test means u have a stable overclock system !!!

Temparature settings

At Any point load temp should not cross 60c, see on idle condition temp may low at 42 ot 45 but onload will push the temp close to 60c…

your Dengar Level is 60c, allways stay bellow it….

Please note

No 2 Processo are the same, I mean I have one E6600 which need vcore of 1.5v to run at 3.6 GHz where as its possible that Mr. A’s E6600 can reach 3.8 GHz with just 1.48 or Mr. B’s E6600 cant go byond 3.4 ghx at 1.5v….

So no specific info on exact settings, u have to try and try to find best Overclock for ur self…

Remember Never let the Temps touch 60c, keep the RAMs at their Default Frequency, lavue ram cant take byond 2.1v voltage…

In the end I would say there are tons of better guides out there in OIverclokcing, Google will give better results, so those who already tried it, please post so tricks a tips for higher overlocks…

And last of all, Dont forget to post ur Results, with some Temp and load testing apps running at Backgroud… and with ur OC setings info and steps

For me, on stock it was 2.89 GHz, where as with ThermalRight ultra 120 extreme, FSB 1575 / vcore 1.5 / ram voltage 2.178 (667 MHz)

Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor

Difference Between Intel core 2 duo vs Intel dual core vs Intel Pentium D
Many people are confused what exactly the difference between Intel Core 2 Duo Processors and Between Intel Pentium D or Intel Dual Core processors….

I would try to explain from a END user point a view rather not going in to details architecture over view…

The Simple facts are,

All Core 2 Duo Processors are Dual Core Processors..
All Pentium D Processors are Dual Core Processors..
All Intel Dual Core Processors are Dual Core Processors…

Pentium D is nothing but 2 Prescott Processors side by side… runs very hot, not a good OverClocker…

Intel Core 2 Duo processors are next gen processors from Intel on 65 nm platform… developed from Ground up with new Architecture called Core… so they are whole new Processors just Jump like Pentium 2 to Pentium 3 or Pentium 4… Expect one Core 2 Duo Lowest End Processors like E4400/E4300 taking up and beating Intel Pentium D 3.8 GHz ones with ease … runs damn cool and super over clocker…

Intel Dual Core Processors are just launched striped down version of Core 2 Duos.. there are 2 in Market for Desktop range, E2140 runs at 1.6 GHz with 1 MB L2 and 800 MHz FSB and E2160 with 1.8 GHz with same specs of E2140…. these are not Pentium D rather they are same batch like Core 2 Duo based on the new Core Technology…. they perform same like Core 2 Duos but they were launched with a very low price to counter the market of super low cost but high performer AMD X2 range line up to AMD X2 4000

Intel Yorkfield

Yorkfield is the code name for some Intel processors sold as Core 2 Quad and Xeon. In Intel's Tick-Tock cycle, the 2007/2008 "Tick" was the shrink of the Core microarchitecture to 45 nanometers as CPUID model 23. This replaced the Kentsfield processor with Yorkfield.

The Yorkfield Multi-chip modules come in two sizes, with 12 MB and 6 MB L2 cache. The smaller version is commonly called Yorkfield-6M.

The mobile version of Yorkfield is Penryn-QC and the dual-socket server version is Harpertown. The MP server Dunnington chip is a more distant relative based on a different chip but using the same 45 nm Core microarchitecture. The Wolfdale desktop processor is a dual-core version of Yorkfield.

Yorkfield will be replaced by Nehalem based Lynnfield.

* 1 Variants
o 1.1 Yorkfield
o 1.2 Yorkfield-6M
o 1.3 Yorkfield XE
o 1.4 Yorkfield CL
* 2 See also
* 3 References


Yorkfield (codename for the Core 2 Quad Q9x5x series and Xeon X33x0 series) features a dual-die quad core design with two unified 6 MB L2 caches, their product code is 80569. They also feature 1333 MT/s FSB and are compatible with the Bearlake chipset.[1] These processors were released in late March 2008 beginning with the Q9300 and Q9450. Yorkfield CPUs were expected to be released in January 2008. The release of Yorkfield, however, was delayed to March 15, 2008. Initially this delay was attributed to an error found in the Yorkfield chip,[2] but later reports claimed that the delay was necessary in order to ensure compatibility with the 4-layer printed circuit boards utilized by many mainstream motherboards.[3] At the Intel Developer Forum 2007, a Yorkfield processor was compared with a Kentsfield processor.[4][5]
[edit] Yorkfield-6M

Yorkfield-6M (product code 80580) are similar to Yorkfield but are made from two Wolfdale-3M like cores, so they have a total of 6 MB of L2 cache, with 3 MB shared by two cores. They are used in Core 2 Quad Q8xxx with 4 MB cache enabled and Core 2 Quad Q9xxx and Xeon X3320/X3330 processors with all of the 6 MB enabled. Q8xxx processors initially had no support for Intel VT unlike Q9xxx, but later versions all have VT enabled. Various Q7xxx have been reported online[6][7] and can be found in product change notifications, but were never formally announced. These have a very small L2 cache of just 2 MB and a lower FSB frequency of 800 MT/s, which means that their performance can be expected to be significantly lower than Q8xxx models.
[edit] Yorkfield XE

On November 11, 2007, Intel released the first Yorkfield XE processor, Core 2 Extreme QX9650. It is the first Intel desktop processor to use 45 nm technology and high-k metal gates. Yorkfield features a dual-die quad core design with two unified level-two (L2) caches of 6 MB each. It also features a 1333 MT/s FSB and clock rate of 3 GHz. The processor incorporates SSE4.1 instructions and has total of 820 million transistors on 2x107 mm² dies. QX9650 and QX9770 both are labelled as product code 80569 like Yorkfield, while QX9775, being made for Dual Socket 771 mainboards, uses product code 80574 like the Xeon X5482 "Harpertown" that it is closely related to.
[edit] Yorkfield CL

The OEM-only Xeon X33x3 processors with 80 W TDP and product code 80584 are made for Socket 771 like Harpertown but are only supported in single-socket configurations. Like the dual-core Wolfdale-CL processor, these will not work in regular Socket 775 mainboards but are typically used in blade servers that otherwise require DP server processors like Wolfdale DP or Harpertown.

Wolfdale (microprocessor)


Core 2 Duo Wolfdale E7200
Produced From 2007 to present
Max. CPU clock 2500 Mhz to 3333 Mhz
FSB speeds 800 MT/s to 1333 MT/s
Instruction set x86
Microarchitecture Core
CPUID code 1067x
Product code Wolfdale: 80570 Wolfdale-3M: 80571 Wolfdale-L: 80588
Cores 2
L2 cache Wolfdale: 6 MB
Wolfdale-3M: 3 MB
Application Desktop
Socket(s) LGA 775
Brand name(s) Celeron E3xxx

Pentium Dual-Core E5xxx
Pentium E6xxx
Core 2 Duo E7xx
Core 2 Duo E8xxx
Xeon 31xx
Xeon L3014

Wolfdale is the code name for a processor from Intel that is sold in varying configurations as Core 2 Duo, Celeron, Pentium and Xeon. In Intel's Tick-Tock cycle, the 2007/2008 "Tick" was the shrink of the Core microarchitecture to 45 nanometers as CPUID model 23. This replaced the Conroe processor with Wolfdale.

The Wolfdale chips come in two sizes, with 6 MB and 3 MB L2 cache, the smaller version is commonly called Wolfdale-3M.

The mobile version of Wolfdale is Penryn and the dual-socket server version is Wolfdale DP. The Yorkfield desktop processor is a quad-core Multi-chip module of Wolfdale.

Wolfdale will be replaced by Nehalem based Clarkdale.


* 1 Variants
o 1.1 Wolfdale
o 1.2 Wolfdale-3M
o 1.3 Wolfdale-DP
o 1.4 Wolfdale-CL
* 2 See also
* 3 References

[edit] Variants
[edit] Wolfdale

Wolfdale is the codename for the E8000 series of Core 2 Duo desktop processors and the Xeon 3100 server processor family. Released on January 20, 2008, the chips are manufactured using a 45-nanometer process and feature two processor cores. The Wolfdale models operate at 2.53 GHz, 2.66 GHz, 2.83 GHz, 3.0 GHz, 3.16 GHz, and 3.33 GHz; the E8xxx series utilizes 6 MB of L2 cache and a 1333 MT/s FSB. These processors include the SSE4.1 media extensions. Wolfdale uses a product code 80570. The E8000 Series of Core 2 Duo processors is one of the easiest and most popular Core 2 Duos to overclock, due to their low voltage requirements; and are known to hit 4GHz on air cooling with only 1.2V of vCore.

Wolfdale-3M is the logical successor of Allendale and uses the 82 mm² dies with 3 MB L2 cache similar to Penryn-3M, its product code is 80571. It is used in the Core 2 E7xxx series as well as the E5xxx/E6xxx Pentium Dual-Core and E3xxx Celeron processors. The E5xxx enables only 2 MB of L2 cache, replacing the E2xxx series of Pentium Dual core chips, the E7xxx series uses the full 3 MB of L2 Cache, and a 1066MT/s FSB, replacing the Core 2 Duo E4xxx series and the Celeron E3xxx series with 1 MB L2 cache enabled is the follow-on to the Celeron E1xxx series.
[edit] Wolfdale-DP
For the dual-processor server Wolfdale DP processor, see Xeon#5200-series "Wolfdale DP".

The Xeon L3014 and E3113 processors are Wolfdale-CL with product code 80588, in an LGA 771 package. L L3014 has only one core, 3 MB L2 cache and it does not support Intel VT, while E3113 is identical to E3110 except for the other socket. These processors do not work in regular LGA 775 based mainboards but are typically used in single-socket LGA 771 blade servers that otherwise require the more expensive DP server processors. Wolfdale-CL follows an earlier Conroe-CL processor, and Yorkfield-CL is the respective Quad-Core version of Wolfdale-CL.

Intel Core 2

Common manufacturer(s) Intel
Max. CPU clock 1.06 GHz to 3.33 GHz
FSB speeds 533 MHz to 1600 MHz
Instruction set x86 64, (SSE4.1 is for Penryn, Wolfdale, and Yorkfield-based processors only)
Microarchitecture Intel Core microarchitecture
Cores 1, 2, or 4 (2x2)
Socket(s) Socket T (LGA 775)

Socket M (µPGA 478)
Socket P (µPGA 478)
Micro-FCBGA (µBGA 479)
Micro-FCBGA (µBGA 965)
Core name(s) Allendale, Conroe, Conroe-L, Merom-2M, Merom, Merom-L, Kentsfield, Wolfdale, Yorkfield, Penryn

Core 2 is a brand encompassing a range of Intel's consumer 64-bit x86-64 single-, dual-, and quad-core CPUs based on the Intel Core microarchitecture. The single- and dual-core models are single-die, whereas the quad-core models comprise two dies, each containing two cores, packaged in a multi-chip module.[1] The introduction of Core 2 relegated the Pentium brand to the mid-range market, and reunified laptop and desktop CPU lines, which previously had been divided into the Pentium 4, Pentium D, and Pentium M brands.

The Core microarchitecture returned to lower clock rates and improved the usage of both available clock cycles and power when compared with the preceding NetBurst microarchitectue of the Pentium 4/D-branded CPUs.[2] The Core microarchitecture provides more efficient decoding stages, execution units, caches, and buses, reducing the power consumption of Core 2-branded CPUs while increasing their processing capacity. Intel's CPUs have varied wildly in power consumption according to clock rate, architecture, and semiconductor process, shown in the CPU power dissipation tables.

Core-based processors do not have Hyper-Threading Technology found in Pentium 4 processors. This is because the Core microarchitecture is a descendant of the P6 microarchitecture used by Pentium Pro, Pentium II, Pentium III, and Pentium M. Core 2 also lacks an L3 Cache found in the Gallatin core of the Pentium 4 Extreme Edition, although an L3 Cache is present in high-end versions of Core-based Xeons and Hyper-Threading is present on select Atom processors. Both an L3 cache and Hyper-threading is present in current Nehalem and future Westmere processors.

The Core 2 brand was introduced on July 27, 2006,[3] comprising the Solo (single-core), Duo (dual-core), Quad (quad-core), and in 2007, the Extreme (dual- or quad-core CPUs for enthusiasts) version.[4] Intel Core 2 processors with vPro technology (designed for businesses) include the dual-core and quad-core branches.[5]

* 1 Duo, Quad, and Extreme
* 2 Processor cores
o 2.1 Conroe / Merom (65 nm)
o 2.2 Conroe-L / Merom-L
+ 2.2.1 Merom-L
o 2.3 Penryn / Wolfdale (45 nm)
o 2.4 Dunnington
* 3 Successors
* 4 Pricing
* 5 Nomenclature and abbreviations
* 6 See also
* 7 References
* 8 External links
o 8.1 News reports on the Core 2 product launch
o 8.2 Reviews

[edit] Duo, Quad, and Extreme

The Core 2-branded CPUs include: "Conroe"/"Allendale" (dual-core for desktops), "Merom" (dual-core for laptops), "Merom-L" (single-core for laptops), "Kentsfield" (quad-core for desktops), and the updated variants named "Wolfdale" (dual-core for desktops), "Penryn" (dual-core for laptops), and "Yorkfield" (quad-core for desktops). (Note: For the server and workstation "Woodcrest", "Clovertown", "Tigerton", "Harpertown" and "Dunnington" CPUs see the Xeon brand[6].)

The Core 2 branded processors featured the Virtualization Technology (with some exceptions), Execute Disable Bit, and SSE3. Their Core microarchitecture introduced also SSSE3, Trusted Execution Technology, Enhanced SpeedStep, and Active Management Technology (iAMT2). With a thermal design power (TDP) of up to only 65 W, the Core 2 dual-core Conroe consumed only half the power of less capable, but also dual-core Pentium D-branded desktop chips[7] with a TDP of up to 130 W[8] (a high TDP requires additional cooling that can be noisy or expensive).
Intel Core 2 processor family
logo * New
logo Desktop Laptop
Code-named Core Date released Code-named Core Date released
Core 2 Duo logo Core 2 Duo logo as of 2009 Conroe
Wolfdale dual (65 nm)
dual (65 nm)
dual (45 nm) Aug 2006
Jan 2007
Jan 2008 Merom
Penryn dual (65 nm)
dual (45 nm) Jul 2006
Jan 2008
Core 2 Extreme logo Core 2 Extreme logo as of 2009 Conroe XE
Kentsfield XE
Yorkfield XE dual (65 nm)
quad (65 nm)
quad (45 nm) Jul 2006
Nov 2006
Nov 2007 Merom XE
Penryn XE
Penryn XE dual (65 nm)
dual (45 nm)
quad (45 nm) Jul 2007
Jan 2008
Aug 2008
Core 2 Quad logo Core 2 Quad logo as of 2009 Kentsfield
Yorkfield quad (65 nm)
quad (45 nm) Jan 2007
Mar 2008 Penryn quad (45 nm) Aug 2008
Core 2 Solo brand logo Core 2 Solo logo as of 2009
Desktop version not available
Penryn-3M Single (65 nm)
Single (45 nm) Sep 2007
May 2008
* Sort by initial date released

List of Intel Core 2 microprocessors
[edit] Processor cores
[edit] Conroe / Merom (65 nm)

The original Core 2 processors are based around the same dies that can be identified as CPUID Family 6 Model 15. Depending on their configuration and packaging, their code names are Conroe (LGA 775, 4 MB L2 cache), Allendale (LGA 775, 2 MB L2 cache), Merom (Socket M, 4 MB L2 cache) and Kentsfield (Multi-chip module, LGA 775, 2x4MB L2 cache). Merom and Allendale processors with limited features can be found in Pentium Dual Core and Celeron processors, while Conroe, Allendale and Kentsfield also are sold as Xeon processors.

Additional code names for processors based on this model are Woodcrest (LGA 771, 4 MB L2 cache), Clovertown (MCM, LGA 771, 2x4MB L2 cache) and Tigerton (MCM, Socket 604, 2x4MB L2 cache), all of which are marketed only under the Xeon brand.
(main article) Brand name (list) L2 Cache Socket TDP
Merom Mobile Core 2 Solo U7xxx 2 MB BGA479 10 W
Mobile Core 2 Duo L7xxx 4 MB 17 W
Mobile Core 2 Duo T5xxx 2 MB Socket M
Socket P
BGA479 35 W
Mobile Core 2 Duo T7xxx 2-4 MB
Mobile Core 2 Extreme X7xxx 4 MB 44 W
Conroe and
Allendale Core 2 Duo E4xxx 2 MB LGA 775 65 W
Core 2 Duo E6xxx 2-4 MB
Core 2 Duo X6xxx 4MB
Kentsfield Core 2 Quad Q6xxx 2x4 MB 95-105 W
Core 2 Extreme QX6xxx 130 W
[edit] Conroe-L / Merom-L

The Conroe-L and Merom-L processors are based around the same core as Conroe and Merom, but only contain a single core and 1 MB of L2 cache, significantly reducing production cost and power consumption of the processor at the expense of performance compared to the dual-core version. It is used only in ultra-low voltage Core 2 Solo U2xxx and in Celeron processors and is identified as CPUID family 6 model 22.
[edit] Merom-L
(main article) Brand name (list) L2 Cache Socket TDP
Merom Core 2 Solo U2xxx 1 MB FCBGA 5.5 W
[edit] Penryn / Wolfdale (45 nm)

In Intel's Tick-Tock cycle, the 2007/2008 "Tick" was the shrink of the Core microarchitecture to 45 nanometers as CPUID model 23. In Core 2 processors, it is used with the code names Penryn (Socket P), Wolfdale (LGA 775) and Yorkfield (MCM, LGA 775), some of which are also sold as Celeron, Pentium and Xeon processors. In the Xeon brand, the Wolfdale-DP and Harpertown code names are used for LGA 771 based MCMs with two or four active Wolfdale cores.

The chips come in two sizes, with 6 MB and 3 MB L2 cache. The smaller version is commonly called Penryn-3M and Wolfdale-3M as well as Yorkfield-6M, respectively. The single-core version of Penryn, listed as Penryn-L here, is not a separate model like Merom-L but a version of the Penryn-3M model with only one active core.
(main article) Brand name (list) L2 Cache Socket TDP
Penryn-L Mobile Core 2 Solo SU3xxx 3 MB BGA956 5.5 W
Penryn Mobile Core 2 Duo SU7xxx 3 MB 10W
Mobile Core 2 Duo SU9xxx
Mobile Core 2 Duo SL9xxx 6 MB 17 W
Mobile Core 2 Duo SP9xxx 25 W
Mobile Core 2 Duo P7xxx 3 MB Socket P
Mobile Core 2 Duo P8xxx
Mobile Core 2 Duo P9xxx 6 MB
Mobile Core 2 Duo T6xxx 2 MB 35 W
Mobile Core 2 Duo T8xxx 3 MB
Mobile Core 2 Duo T9xxx 6 MB
Mobile Core 2 Extreme X9xxx Socket P 44 W
Mobile Core 2 Duo E8xxx 6 MB 35-55 W
Penryn-QC Mobile Core 2 Quad Q9xxx 6-12 MB Socket P 45 W
Mobile Core 2 Extreme QX9xxx 12 MB
Wolfdale Core 2 Duo E7xxx 3 MB LGA 775 65 W
Core 2 Duo E8xxx 6 MB
Yorkfield Core 2 Quad Q7xxx 2x1 MB 95 W
Core 2 Quad Q8xxx 2x2 MB 65-95 W
Core 2 Quad Q9xxx 2x3-2x6 MB
Core 2 Extreme QX9xxx 2x6 MB 130-150 W
[edit] Dunnington

The Xeon "Dunnington" processor (CPUID Family 6, model 30) is closely related to Wolfdale but comes with six cores and an on-chip L3 cache and is designed for servers with Socket 604, so it is not marketed as Core 2. It is mentioned here for completeness.
[edit] Successors

The successor to the desktop version Core 2 brand is the Core i7, which is based on the Nehalem microarchitecture. Core i7 was officially launched on 17 November 2008 as a family of three quad-core processor desktop models. Nehalem has major changes from the Core microarchitecture. The most notable two are: The FSB is replaced by a QuickPath interface, and the processor has an onboard memory controller. The Core i7 is used mainly for extreme gaming purposes whereas the Core 2 desktop series are used mainly for mainstream computing. The Core i7 is more of a high-end alternative to the desktop Core 2 series. Another successor of the desktop version Core 2 is Lynnfield (codename) which, like the Core i7 is based on the Nehalem microarchitecture. The processor will feature an integrated dual-channel DDR3 memory controller, integrated PCI-Express graphics controller and Direct Media Interface controller for communication with Intel P55 (Ibexpeak) chipset. Lynnfield is scheduled to be released in the third quarter of 2009[9]. It has been stated among various sources that Core i5 would be the brand name for Lynnfield, but Intel announced at Computex 2009 that this was not the case.[10]

The 32 nm shrink of Nehalem is called Westmere; provided that Intel stays on target with its roadmap, Sandy Bridge will be released at 32 nm with a newer microarchitecture around 2010.[11] In 2011, Intel will launch its first processor based on a 22 nm process. Based on Intel's "tick/tock" cycle alternating new architectures and die shrinks every two years, it is currently assumed that this will be a shrink of Sandy Bridge.[12]

With the launch of 32 nm processors in the upcoming months, Intel has scheduled to discontinue some Atom, Celeron, Pentium, Core 2, and even Core i7 models. The Core 2 Extreme QX9775 will be phased out around Q3, 2009. The Core 2 Quad Q8200, Q8200S, Q9400, and Q9400S are scheduled to be discontinued in 2010.[13]. Intel may also rebadge some Core 2 processors in the E7xxx, E8xxx, Q8xxx, Q9xxx and Wolfdale series as Core i3 processors, together with new Core i3 processors using the 45 nm Nehalem microarchitecture[14], [15].
[edit] Pricing

The pricing for various models of Core 2, at the time the processors were released, can be found in the list of Intel Core 2 microprocessors. It should be noted that these prices are what it costs system builders like Apple Inc., Dell and HP to stock Core 2 processors. There are no set MSRPs for Core 2 CPUs in the retail channel — prices at retailers are usually very close to the aforementioned prices, but are dependent on what the supplier is charging to stock these CPUs and on supply and demand.
[edit] Nomenclature and abbreviations

With the release of the Core 2 processor, the abbreviation C2 has come into common use, with its variants C2D (the present Core 2 Duo), and C2Q, C2E to refer to the Core 2 Quad and Core 2 Extreme processors respectively. C2QX stands for the Extreme-Editions of the Quad (QX6700, QX6800, QX6850).

Intel Core i5 750 Processor Review

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It has been 10 months now since Intel unleashed its Nehalem architecture and we showed you the Core i7 920, 940 and 965 Extreme Edition. Not much has changed in the high-end sector during this timeframe, as Core i7 processors are still brutally fast and equally expensive.

The most affordable option debuted as the Core i7 920 at $280 and that is exactly how much it costs today. The Core i7 940 has been replaced by the 950, offering a small performance bump and the same ~$570 charge, while the flagship Core i7 965 Extreme Edition was superseded by the even more potent 975 Extreme Edition in the $1,000 price point.

Although the processor front has remained much the same, there is now a serious range of X58 motherboards on offer with more than fifty products available from half a dozen manufacturers. If you know where to look, it is possible to purchase one of these for as little as $170, with the more luxurious models costing upwards of $400.

Another big change has come with the decrease of DDR3 memory pricing. When we tested the Core i7 processors last November, a triple-channel 6GB kit would set you back at least $250, today you have to spend no more than $100. This means you can get yourself a Core i7 920 with motherboard and memory for under $600 today. And while this may sound like a killer deal to some, not everyone needs the processing power of Intel's enthusiast-grade platform or is willing to pony up the money for it.

The Core i5 750 is the first release in a series of processors based on a mainstream version of the Core i7 platform. It is a quad-core part based on the "Lynnfield" architecture, fabricated using a 45nm process and will use a new LGA1156 platform. This new chip is set to cost just $199, it will operate at a healthy 2.66GHz and feature a whopping 8MB L3 cache, but no Hyper-Threading support will be present.

When we first heard about the upcoming release of a mainstream version of the Core i7 we were excited about the idea except for Intel's decision of using multiple platforms. That said, the new LGA1156 socket will support a number of new Intel processors, including the Core i3 and Core i5 series. There will also be a range of Core i7 processors designed for the aforementioned socket.

In order to cut the cost of this processor and the LGA1156 platform, Intel has removed one of the memory controllers and replaced the high bandwidth QPI link with the slower DMI chip-to-chip interconnect.

In the next few pages we will go into more detail about Intel's reworked desktop CPU line-up, the new P55 chipset (LGA1156), and our usual load of benchmarks comparing this new processor against current Core 2 Quad offerings, the Core i7 920 and the AMD Athlon II X4 965.

A small intro about intel

Intel Corporation

Type Public (NASDAQ: INTC, SEHK: 4335, Euronext: INCO)
Founded 1968 1
Founder(s) Gordon E. Moore and Robert Noyce
Headquarters Santa Clara, California (incorporated in Delaware)
Key people Paul S. Otellini, CEO
Craig Barrett, Chairman
Sean M. Maloney (EVP; General Manager, Sales and Marketing Group, and Chief Sales and Marketing Officer)
Industry Semiconductors
Products Microprocessors
Flash memory
Motherboard Chipsets
Network Interface Card
Bluetooth Chipsets
Revenue ▼ US$37.6 billion (2008)[1]
Operating income ▲ US$9.0 billion (2008)
Net income ▼ US$5.3 billion (2008)
Employees 83,500 (2008)[1]
1Incorporated in California in 1968, reincorporated in Delaware in 1989.[2]

Intel (NASDAQ: INTC; SEHK: 4335) is the world's largest semiconductor chip maker, based on revenue.[3] The company is the inventor of the x86 series of microprocessors, the processors found in most personal computers. Intel was founded on July 18, 1968, as Integrated Electronics Corporation and based in Santa Clara, California, USA. Intel also makes motherboard chipsets, network cards and ICs, flash memory, graphic chips, embedded processors, and other devices related to communications and computing. Founded by semiconductor pioneers Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore, and widely associated with the executive leadership and vision of Andrew Grove, Intel combines advanced chip design capability with a leading-edge manufacturing capability. Originally known primarily to engineers and technologists, Intel's successful "Intel Inside" advertising campaign of the 1990s made it and its Pentium processor household names.

Intel was an early developer of SRAM and DRAM memory chips, and this represented the majority of its business until the early 1980s. While Intel created the first commercial microprocessor chip in 1971, it was not until the success of the personal computer (PC) that this became their primary business. During the 1990s, Intel invested heavily in new microprocessor designs fostering the rapid growth of the PC industry. During this period Intel became the dominant supplier of microprocessors for PCs, and was known for aggressive and sometimes controversial tactics in defense of its market position, particularly against AMD, as well as a struggle with Microsoft for control over the direction of the PC industry.[4][5] The 2009 rankings of the world's 100 most powerful brands published by Millward Brown Optimor showed the company's brand value rising 4 places – from number 27 to number 23.[6]

In addition to its work in semiconductors, Intel has begun research in electrical transmission and generation.[7][8]

* 1 Corporate history
o 1.1 Origins and early years
o 1.2 Origin of the name
o 1.3 Company's evolution
o 1.4 Sale of XScale processor business
o 1.5 History of crippling competitors with legal bills
* 2 Market history
o 2.1 SRAMS and the microprocessor
o 2.2 From DRAM to microprocessors
o 2.3 Intel, x86 processors, and the IBM PC
+ 2.3.1 386 microprocessor
+ 2.3.2 486, Pentium, and Itanium
+ 2.3.3 Pentium flaw
+ 2.3.4 Intel Inside, Intel Systems Division, and Intel Architecture Labs
o 2.4 Competition, antitrust and espionage
o 2.5 Partnership with Apple
o 2.6 Core 2 Duo advertisement controversy
o 2.7 Classmate PC
* 3 Corporate affairs
o 3.1 Leadership and corporate structure
o 3.2 Employment
+ 3.2.1 Diversity Initiative
o 3.3 Funding of a school
o 3.4 Finances
o 3.5 Advertising and brand management
+ 3.5.1 Logos
+ 3.5.2 Sonic logo
+ 3.5.3 Naming strategy
+ 3.5.4 IT Manager 3: Unseen Forces
o 3.6 Open source support
o 3.7 Environmental record
o 3.8 Age discrimination
* 4 Competition
o 4.1 Lawsuits
o 4.2 Anti-competitive allegations by regulatory bodies
+ 4.2.1 Japan
+ 4.2.2 European Union
+ 4.2.3 South Korea
+ 4.2.4 United States
* 5 See also
* 6 References
* 7 External links
Origins and early years
Intel headquarters in Santa Clara

Intel was founded in 1968 by Gordon E. Moore (a chemist and physicist) and Robert Noyce (a physicist and co-inventor of the integrated circuit) when they left Fairchild Semiconductor. A number of other Fairchild employees also went on to participate in other Silicon Valley companies. Intel's third employee was Andy Grove,[9] a chemical engineer, who ran the company through much of the 1980s and the high-growth 1990s. Grove is now remembered as the company's key business and strategic leader. By the end of the 1990s, Intel was one of the largest and most successful businesses in the world.[citation needed]
Origin of the name

At its founding, Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce wanted to name their new company Moore Noyce.[10] The name, however, sounded remarkably similar to more noise — an ill-suited name for an electronics company, since noise is typically associated with bad interference. They then used the name NM Electronics for almost a year, before deciding to call their company INTegrated ELectronics or Intel for short[11]. However, Intel was already trademarked by a hotel chain, so they had to buy the rights for that name at the beginning.[12]
Company's evolution

Intel has grown through several distinct phases. At its founding, Intel was distinguished simply by its ability to make semiconductors, and its primary products were static random access memory (SRAM) chips. Intel's business grew during the 1970s as it expanded and improved its manufacturing processes and produced a wider range of products, still dominated by various memory devices.

While Intel created the first microprocessor (Intel 4004) in 1971 and one of the first microcomputers in 1972,[13][14] by the early 1980s its business was dominated by dynamic random access memory chips. However, increased competition from Japanese semiconductor manufacturers had, by 1983, dramatically reduced the profitability of this market, and the sudden success of the IBM personal computer convinced then-CEO Grove to shift the company's focus to microprocessors, and to change fundamental aspects of that business model. By the end of the 1980s this decision had proven successful, and Intel embarked on a 10-year period of unprecedented growth as the primary (and most profitable) hardware supplier to the PC industry.

After 2000, growth in demand for high-end microprocessors slowed and competitors garnered significant market share, initially in low-end and mid-range processors but ultimately across the product range, and Intel's dominant position was reduced. In the early 2000s then-CEO Craig Barrett attempted to diversify the company's business beyond semiconductors, but few of these activities were ultimately successful.

In 2005, CEO Paul Otellini reorganized the company to refocus its core processor and chipset business on platforms (enterprise, digital home, digital health, and mobility) which led to the hiring of over 20,000 new employees. In September 2006 due to falling profits, the company announced a restructuring that resulted in layoffs of 10,500 employees or about 10 percent of its workforce by July 2006.
[edit] Sale of XScale processor business

On June 27, 2006, the sale of Intel's XScale assets was announced. Intel agreed to sell the XScale processor business to Marvell Technology Group for an estimated $600 million in cash and the assumption of unspecified liabilities. The move is intended to permit Intel to focus its resources on its core x86 and server businesses. The acquisition was completed on November 9, 2006.[15]
[edit] History of crippling competitors with legal bills

During the time of the 386 CPU, Intel partook in suing companies that tried to develop chips that competed with the 386.[16] The lawsuits were noted to significantly hamper or even cripple the competition with legal bills, even if Intel lost the suits.[16]
Market history
SRAMS and the microprocessor

The company's first products were shift register memory and random-access memory integrated circuits, and Intel grew to be a leader in the fiercely competitive DRAM, SRAM, and ROM markets throughout the 1970s. Concurrently, Intel engineers Marcian Hoff, Federico Faggin, Stanley Mazor and Masatoshi Shima invented the first microprocessor. Originally developed for the Japanese company Busicom to replace a number of ASICs in a calculator already produced by Busicom, the Intel 4004 was introduced to the mass market on November 15, 1971, though the microprocessor did not become the core of Intel's business until the mid-1980s. (Note: Intel is usually given credit with Texas Instruments for the almost-simultaneous invention of the microprocessor.)
From DRAM to microprocessors

In 1983, at the dawn of the personal computer era, Intel's profits came under increased pressure from Japanese memory-chip manufacturers, and then-President Andy Grove drove the company into a focus on microprocessors. Grove described this transition in the book Only the Paranoid Survive. A key element of his plan was the notion, then considered radical, of becoming the single source for successors to the popular 8086 microprocessor.

Until then, manufacture of complex integrated circuits was not reliable enough for customers to depend on a single supplier, but Grove began producing processors in three geographically distinct factories, and ceased licensing the chip designs to competitors such as Zilog and AMD. When the PC industry boomed in the late 1980s and 1990s, Intel was one of the primary beneficiaries.
[edit] Intel, x86 processors, and the IBM PC
The integrated circuit from an Intel 8742, an 8-bit microcontroller that includes a CPU running at 12 MHz, 128 bytes of RAM, 2048 bytes of EPROM, and I/O in the same chip.

Despite the ultimate importance of the microprocessor, the 4004 and its successors the 8008 and the 8080 were never major revenue contributors at Intel. As the next processor, the 8086 (and its variant the 8088) was completed in 1978, Intel embarked on a major marketing and sales campaign for that chip nicknamed "Operation Crush", and intended to win as many customers for the processor as possible. One design win was the newly created IBM PC division, though the importance of this was not fully realized at the time.

IBM introduced its personal computer in 1981, and it was rapidly successful. In 1982, Intel created the 80286 microprocessor, which, two years later, was used in the IBM PC/AT. Compaq, the first IBM PC "clone" manufacturer, produced a desktop system based on the faster 80286 processor in 1985 and in 1986 quickly followed with the first 80386-based system, beating IBM and establishing a competitive market for PC-compatible systems and setting up Intel as a key component supplier.

In 1975 the company had started a project to develop a highly advanced 32-bit microprocessor, finally released in 1981 as the Intel iAPX 432. The project was too ambitious and the processor was never able to meet its performance objectives, and it failed in the marketplace. Intel extended the x86 architecture to 32 bits instead.[17][18]
[edit] 386 microprocessor

During this period Andrew Grove dramatically redirected the company, closing much of its DRAM business and directing resources to the microprocessor business. Of perhaps greater importance was his decision to "single-source" the 386 microprocessor. Prior to this, microprocessor manufacturing was in its infancy, and manufacturing problems frequently reduced or stopped production, interrupting supplies to customers. To mitigate this risk, these customers typically insisted that multiple manufacturers produce chips they could use to ensure a consistent supply. The 8080 and 8086-series microprocessors were produced by several companies, notably Zilog and AMD. Grove made the decision not to license the 386 design to other manufacturers, instead producing it in three geographically distinct factories in Santa Clara, California; Hillsboro, Oregon; and the Phoenix, Arizona suburb of Chandler; and convincing customers that this would ensure consistent delivery. As the success of Compaq's Deskpro 386 established the 386 as the dominant CPU choice, Intel achieved a position of near-exclusive dominance as its supplier. Profits from this funded rapid development of both higher-performance chip designs and higher-performance manufacturing capabilities, propelling Intel to a position of unquestioned leadership by the early 1990s.
486, Pentium, and Itanium

Intel introduced the 486 microprocessor in 1989, and in 1990 formally established a second design team, designing the processors code-named "P5" and "P6" in parallel and committing to a major new processor every two years, versus the four or more years such designs had previously taken. The P5 was earlier known as "Operation Bicycle" referring to the cycles of the processor. The P5 was introduced in 1993 as the Intel Pentium, substituting a trademarked name for the former part number (numbers, such as 486, cannot be trademarked). The P6 followed in 1995 as the Pentium Pro and improved into the Pentium II in 1997. New architectures were developed alternately in Santa Clara, California and Hillsboro, Oregon.

The Santa Clara design team embarked in 1993 on a successor to the x86 architecture, codenamed "P7". The first attempt was dropped a year later, but quickly revived in a cooperative program with Hewlett-Packard engineers, though Intel soon took over primary design responsibility. The resulting implementation of the IA-64 64-bit architecture was the Itanium, finally introduced in June 2001. The Itanium's performance running legacy x86 code did not achieve expectations, and it failed to compete effectively with 64-bit extensions to the original x86 architecture, introduced by AMD, named x86-64 (although Intel uses the name Intel 64, previously EM64T). As of 2009, Intel continues to develop and deploy the Itanium.

The Hillsboro team designed the Willamette processors (code-named P67 and P68) which were marketed as the Pentium 4.
[edit] Pentium flaw
Main article: Pentium FDIV bug

In June 1994, Intel engineers discovered a flaw in the floating-point math subsection of the Pentium microprocessor. Under certain data dependent conditions, low order bits of the result of floating-point division operations would be incorrect, an error that can quickly compound in floating-point operations to much larger errors in subsequent calculations. Intel corrected the error in a future chip revision, but nonetheless declined to disclose it.[citation needed]

In October 1994, Dr. Thomas Nicely, Professor of Mathematics at Lynchburg College independently discovered the bug, and upon receiving no response from his inquiry to Intel, on October 30 posted a message on the Internet.[19] Word of the bug spread quickly on the Internet and then to the industry press. Because the bug was easy to replicate by an average user (there was a sequence of numbers one could enter into the OS calculator to show the error), Intel's statements that it was minor and "not even an erratum" were not accepted by many computer users. During Thanksgiving 1994, The New York Times ran a piece by journalist John Markoff spotlighting the error. Intel changed its position and offered to replace every chip, quickly putting in place a large end-user support organization. This resulted in a $500 million charge against Intel's 1994 revenue.

Ironically, the "Pentium flaw" incident, Intel's response to it, and the surrounding media coverage propelled Intel from being a technology supplier generally unknown to most computer users to a household name. Dovetailing with an uptick in the "Intel Inside" campaign, the episode is considered by some[who?] to have been a positive event for Intel, changing some of its business practices to be more end-user focused and generating substantial public awareness, while avoiding (for most users) a lasting negative impression.[20]
[edit] Intel Inside, Intel Systems Division, and Intel Architecture Labs

During this period, Intel undertook two major supporting programs that helped guarantee their processor's success. The first is widely known: the 1990 "Intel Inside" marketing and branding campaign. The idea of ingredient branding was new at the time with only Nutrasweet and a few others making attempts at that.[21] This campaign established Intel, which had been a component supplier little-known outside the PC industry, as a household name. The second program is little-known: Intel's Systems Group began, in the early 1990s, manufacturing PC "motherboards", the main board component of a personal computer, and the one into which the processor (CPU) and memory (RAM) chips are plugged.[citation needed] Shortly after, Intel began manufacturing fully configured "white box" systems for the dozens of PC clone companies that rapidly sprang up.[citation needed] At its peak in the mid-1990s, Intel manufactured over 15% of all PCs, making it the third-largest supplier at the time.[citation needed]

During the 1990s, Intel's Architecture Lab (IAL) was responsible for many of the hardware innovations of the personal computer, including the PCI Bus, the PCI Express (PCIe) bus, the Universal Serial Bus (USB), Bluetooth wireless interconnect, and the now-dominant[citation needed] architecture for multiprocessor servers.[clarification needed] IAL's software efforts met with a more mixed fate; its video and graphics software was important in the development of software digital video, but later its efforts were largely overshadowed by competition from Microsoft. The competition between Intel and Microsoft was revealed in testimony by IAL Vice-President Steven McGeady at the Microsoft antitrust trial..
[edit] Competition, antitrust and espionage
See also: AMD v. Intel

Two factors combined to end this dominance: the slowing of PC demand growth beginning in 2000 and the rise of the low cost PC. By the end of the 1990s, microprocessor performance had outstripped software demand for that CPU power. Aside from high-end server systems and software, demand for which dropped with the end of the "dot-com bubble", consumer systems ran effectively on increasingly low-cost systems after 2000. Intel's strategy of producing ever-more-powerful processors and obsoleting their predecessors stumbled,[citation needed] leaving an opportunity for rapid gains by competitors, notably AMD. This in turn lowered the profitability[citation needed] of the processor line and ended an era of unprecedented dominance of the PC hardware by Intel.[citation needed]

Intel's dominance in the x86 microprocessor market led to numerous charges of antitrust violations over the years, including FTC investigations in both the late 1980s and in 1999, and civil actions such as the 1997 suit by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) and a patent suit by Intergraph. Intel's market dominance (at one time[when?] it controlled over 85% of the market for 32-bit x86 microprocessors) combined with Intel's own hardball legal tactics (such as its infamous 338 patent suit versus PC manufacturers)[22] made it an attractive target for litigation, but few of the lawsuits ever amounted to anything.[clarification needed]

A case of industrial espionage arose in 1995 that involved both Intel and AMD. Guillermo Gaede, an Argentine formerly employed both at AMD and at Intel's Arizona plant, was arrested for attempting in 1993 to sell the i486 and Pentium designs to AMD and to certain foreign powers.[23] Gaede videotaped data from his computer screen at Intel and mailed it to AMD, which immediately alerted Intel and authorities, resulting in Gaede's arrest. Gaede was convicted and sentenced to 33 months in prison in June 1996.[24][25]
[edit] Partnership with Apple
For more details on this topic, see Apple Intel transition.

On June 6, 2005, Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced that Apple would be transitioning from its long favored PowerPC architecture to the Intel x86 architecture, because the future PowerPC road map was unable to satisfy Apple's needs. The first Macintosh computers containing Intel CPUs were announced on January 10, 2006, and Apple had its entire line of consumer Macs running on Intel processors by early August 2006. The Apple Xserve server was updated to Intel Xeon processors from November 2006, and is offered in a configuration similar to Apple's Mac Pro.[26]
[edit] Core 2 Duo advertisement controversy

In 2007, the company released a print advertisement for its Core 2 Duo processor featuring six African American runners appearing to bow down to a Caucasian male inside of an office setting (due to the posture taken by runners on starting blocks). According to Nancy Bhagat, Vice President of Intel Corporate Marketing, the general public found the ad to be "insensitive and insulting".[27] The campaign was quickly pulled and several Intel executives made public apologies on the corporate website.[28]
[edit] Classmate PC

Intel's Classmate PC is the company's first low-cost Netbook computer.
[edit] Corporate affairs

In September 2006, Intel had nearly 100,000 employees and 200 facilities world wide. Its 2005 revenues were $38.8 billion and its Fortune 500 ranking was 49th. Its stock symbol is INTC, listed on the NASDAQ. As of February 2009 the biggest customers of Intel are Hewlett-Packard and Dell.[29]
[edit] Leadership and corporate structure

Robert Noyce was Intel's CEO at its founding in 1968, followed by co-founder Gordon Moore in 1975. Andy Grove became the company's President in 1979 and added the CEO title in 1987 when Moore became Chairman. In 1998 Grove succeeded Moore as Chairman, and Craig Barrett, already company president, took over. On May 18, 2005, Barrett handed the reins of the company over to Paul Otellini, who previously was the company president and was responsible for Intel's design win in the original IBM PC. The board of directors elected Otellini CEO, and Barrett replaced Grove as Chairman of the Board. Grove stepped down as Chairman, but is retained as a special adviser. In May 2009, Barrett stepped down as chairman and Jane Shaw was elected as the new Chairman of the Board.

Current members of the board of directors of Intel are Craig Barrett, Charlene Barshefsky, Susan Decker, James Guzy, Reed Hundt, Paul Otellini, James Plummer, David Pottruck, Jane Shaw, John Thornton, and David Yoffie.[30]
[edit] Employment
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Intel microprocessor facility in Costa Rica was responsible in 2006 for 20% of Costa Rican exports and 4.9% of the country's GDP.[31]

The firm promotes very heavily from within, most notably in its executive suite. The company has resisted the trend toward outsider CEOs. Paul Otellini was a 30-year veteran of the company when he assumed the role of CEO. All of his top lieutenants have risen through the ranks after many years with the firm. In many cases, Intel's top executives have spent their entire working careers with Intel, a very rare occurrence in volatile Silicon Valley[citation needed].

Intel has a mandatory retirement policy for its CEOs when they reach age 65, Andy Grove retired at 62, while both Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore retired at 58. At 57, Otellini has a long career at the helm ahead of him, assuming he goes until age 65 and performs satisfactorily. Andy grove was born in 1936,and retired as CEO in 1998 and as Chairman in 2004 or 2005.

No one has an office; everyone, even Otellini, sits in a cubicle. This is designed to promote egalitarianism among employees, but some new hires have difficulty adjusting to this change[citation needed]. Intel is not alone in this policy. Hewlett-Packard and NVIDIA have similar no-office policy.

The company is headquartered in California's Silicon Valley and has operations around the world. Outside of California, the company has facilities in Argentina (Córdoba and Buenos Aires), China, Costa Rica, Malaysia, Mexico, Israel, Ireland, India, Philippines, Poland, Russia, and Vietnam internationally. In the U.S. Intel employs significant numbers of people in California, Colorado, Massachusetts, Arizona, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas, Washington, and Utah.[32] In Oregon, Intel is the state's largest private employer with over 16,000 employees, primarily in Hillsboro.[33] The company is the largest industrial employer in New Mexico while in Arizona the company has over 10,000 employees.
[edit] Diversity Initiative

Intel has a Diversity Initiative, including employee diversity groups as well as supplier diversity programs.[34] Like many companies with employee diversity groups, they include groups based on race and nationality as well as sexual identity and religion. In 1994, Intel sanctioned one of the earliest corporate Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender employee groups,[35] and supports a Muslim employees group,[36] a Jewish employees group,[37] and a Bible-based Christian group.[38][39]

Intel received a 100% rating on the first Corporate Equality Index released by the Human Rights Campaign in 2002. It has maintained this rating in 2003 and 2004. In addition, the company was named one of the 100 Best Companies for Working Mothers in 2005 by Working Mother magazine. However, Intel's working practices still face criticism, most notably from Ken Hamidi,[40] a former employee who has been subject to multiple unsuccessful lawsuits from Intel.
[edit] Funding of a school

In Rio Rancho, New Mexico, Intel is the leading employer.[41] In 1997, a community partnership between Sandoval County and Intel Corporation funded and built Rio Rancho High School.[citation needed]
[edit] Finances
Intel stock price, Nov 1986 - Nov 2006

Intel's market capitalization is $85.67 billion (May 11, 2009). It publicly trades on NASDAQ with the symbol INTC. A widely held stock, the following indices include Intel shares: Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, NASDAQ-100, SOX (PHLX Semiconductor Sector), and GSTI Software Index.

On July 15, 2008, Intel announced that it had achieved the highest earnings in the history of the company during Q2 2008.[42]
[edit] Advertising and brand management
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Intel has become one of the world's most recognizable computer brands following its long-running Intel Inside campaign. The campaign, which started in 1991,[43] was created by Intel marketing manager Dennis Carter.[44] The five-note jingle was introduced the following year and by its tenth anniversary was being heard in 130 countries around the world. The initial branding agency for the 'Intel Inside' campaign was DahlinSmithWhite Advertising of Salt Lake City. The Intel swirl logo was the work of DahlinSmithWhite art director Steve Grigg under the direction of Intel president and CEO Andy Grove.

The Intel Inside advertising campaign sought public brand loyalty and awareness of Intel processors in consumer computers.[citation needed]Intel paid some of the advertiser's costs for an ad that used the Intel Inside logo and jingle.[citation needed]
[edit] Logos
Intel brand logo
Main Logo Date Subset logo Date Remarks
Intel Logo.svg 1968
2005 Intelinsidemodified.PNG 2003 - 2005 The intel inside logo was added to resemble the original Intel logo with lowering of the Intel e and changing the typeface.
Intel Inside Logo.svg 1990-2003 Still as Intel Inside logo, but with uppering of the Intel e.
Intel-logo.svg 2005
Present Intel Core Duo brand logo 2006
Intel Lead ahead 2006.jpg
Intel phased out the intel inside logo in favor of a new logo intel and the slogan, Leap ahead. The new logo is clearly inspired by the Intel Inside logo by splitting out the inside.
Intel Inside 2009.png 2009
Present The current intel logo with inside trademark.

In 2006, Intel expanded its promotion of open specification platforms beyond Centrino, to include the Viiv media centre PC and the business desktop Intel vPro.

In mid January 2006, Intel announced that they were dropping the long running Pentium name from their processors. The Pentium name was first used to refer to the P5 core Intel processors (Pent refers to the 5 in P5,) and was done to circumvent court rulings that prevent the trademarking of a string of numbers, so competitors could not just call their processor the same name, as had been done with the prior 386 and 486 processors. (Both of which had copies manufactured by both IBM and AMD). They phased out the Pentium names from mobile processors first, when the new Yonah chips, branded Core Solo and Core Duo, were released. The desktop processors changed when the Core 2 line of processors were released. In March 2007, the Intel logo was shown briefly in one of the scenes of the movie The Last Mimzy.

According to an Intel spokesman as of 2009 one may think in terms of good-better-best with Celeron being good, Pentium better, and the Intel Core family representing the best the company has to offer.[45]

In 2008, Intel planned to shift the emphasis of its Intel Inside campaign from traditional media such as television and print to newer media such as the Internet.[46] Intel required that a minimum of 35% of the money it provided to the companies in its co-op program be used for online marketing.[46]

Some artists have incorporated Intel brand culture into their works. For example, evil inside stickers,[47] and a tombstone with R.I.P Intel Inside[48]
[edit] Sonic logo

The famous D♭ D♭ G♭ D♭ A♭ jingle, sonic logo, tag, audio mnemonic (MP3 file of sonic logo) was produced by Musikvergnuegen and written by Walter Werzowa from the Austrian 1980s sampling band Edelweiss.[49] The Sonic logo was changed during the introduction of the Core brand.
[edit] Naming strategy

According to spokesman Bill Calder since 2009 Intel has maintained only the Celeron brand, the Atom brand for netbooks and the vPro lineup for businesses.[50] Upcoming processors will carry the Intel Core brand, but will be known as the Intel Core i9 or Core i3 depending on their segment of the market.[50] vPro products will carry the Intel Core i7 vPro processor or the Intel Core i5 vPro processor name.[50]

Beginning in 2010 "Centrino" will only be applied to Intel's WiMAX and Wi-Fi technologies, it won't be a PC brand anymore.[50] This will be an evolutionary process taking place over time, Intel acknowledges that multiple brands will be in the market including older ones throughout the transition.[50]
[edit] IT Manager 3: Unseen Forces

IT Manager III: Unseen Forces is a web-based IT simulation game from Intel. In it you manage a company's IT department. The goal is to apply technology and skill to enable the company to grow from a small business into a global enterprise.
[edit] Open source support
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Intel has a significant participation in the open source communities. For example, in 2006 Intel released MIT-licensed drivers for their integrated graphic cards of the i965 family of chipsets. Intel released FreeBSD drivers for some networking cards,[51] available under a BSD-compatible license, which were also ported to OpenBSD. Intel ran the Moblin project until April 23, 2009, when they handed the project over to the Linux Foundation. Intel also runs the campaigns.[52]

However, after the release of the wireless products called Intel Pro/Wireless 2100, 2200BG/2225BG/2915ABG and 3945ABG in 2005, Intel was criticized for not granting free redistribution rights for the firmwares that are necessary to be included in the operating systems for the wireless devices to operate.[53] As a result of this, Intel became a target of campaigns to allow free operating systems to include binary firmwares on terms acceptable to the open source community. Linspire-Linux creator Michael Robertson outlined the difficult position that Intel was in releasing to open source, as Intel did not want to upset their large customer Microsoft.[54] Theo de Raadt of OpenBSD also claimed that Intel is being "an Open Source fraud" after an Intel employee presented a distorted view of the situation on an open-source conference.[55] In spite of the significant negative attention Intel received as a result of the wireless dealings, the binary firmware still has not gained a license compatible with free software principles.
[edit] Environmental record

In 2003, there were 1.4 tons of carbon tetrachloride measured from one of Intel's many acid scrubbers. However, Intel reported no release of carbon tetrachloride for all of 2003.[56] Intel's facility in Rio Rancho, New Mexico overlooks a nearby village, and the hilly contours of its location create a setting for chemical gases heavier than air to move along arroyos and irrigation ditches in that village. Release of chemicals in such an environment reportedly caused adverse effects in both animals and humans. Deceased dogs in the area were found to have high levels of toluene, hexane, ethylbenzene, and xylene isomers in lungs.[57] More than 1580 pounds of VOC were released in June and July 2006, the company stated.[58]
[edit] Age discrimination

Intel has faced complaints of age discrimination in firing and layoffs. Intel was sued by nine former employees, over allegations that they were laid off because they were over the age of 40.[59] Another employee filed a charge of discrimination against Intel in 2003, alleging age discrimination, retaliation, and disability discrimination.[60]

A group called FACE Intel (Former and Current Employees of Intel) claims that Intel weeds out older employees. FACE Intel claims that more than 90 percent of people who have been terminated by Intel are over the age of 40. Upside Magazine requested data from Intel breaking out its hiring and terminations by age, but the company declined to provide any.[61] Intel has denied that age plays any role in Intel's employment practices.[62] FACE Intel was founded by Ken Hamidi, who was terminated by Intel in 1995 at the age of 47.[61] Hamidi was blocked in a 1999 court decision from using Intel's email system to distribute criticism of the company to employees.[63]
[edit] Competition
Further information: Semiconductor sales leaders by year

In the 1980s, Intel was among the top ten sellers of semiconductors (10th in 1987) in the world. In 1991, Intel became the biggest chip maker by revenue and has held the position ever since. Other top semiconductor companies include AMD, Samsung, Texas Instruments, Toshiba and STMicroelectronics.

Competitors in PC chip sets include VIA Technologies, SiS, and Nvidia. Intel's competitors in networking include Freescale, Infineon, Broadcom, Marvell Technology Group and AMCC, and competitors in flash memory include Spansion, Samsung, Qimonda, Toshiba, STMicroelectronics, and Hynix.

The only major competitor in the x86 processor market is Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), with which Intel has had full cross-licensing agreements since 1976: each partner can use the other's patented technological innovations without charge after a certain time.[64] However, the cross-licensing agreement is canceled in the event of an AMD bankruptcy or takeover.[65] Some smaller competitors such as VIA and Transmeta produce low-power x86 processors for small factor computers and portable equipment.
[edit] Lawsuits

Intel has often been accused by competitors of using legal claims to thwart competition. Intel claims that it is defending its intellectual property. Intel has been plaintiff and defendant in numerous legal actions.

In September 2005, Intel filed a response to an AMD lawsuit,[66] disputing AMD's claims, and claiming that Intel's business practices are fair and lawful. In a rebuttal, Intel deconstructed AMD's offensive strategy and argued that AMD struggled largely as a result of its own bad business decisions, including underinvestment in essential manufacturing capacity and excessive reliance on contracting out chip foundries.[67] Legal analysts predict the lawsuit will most drag for a number of years, since Intel's response indicates that Intel is not likely to settle the dispute with AMD.[68][69] A court date has been granted in 2010.[70]

In October 2006, a Transmeta lawsuit was filed against Intel for patent infringement on computer architecture and power efficiency technologies.[71] The lawsuit was settled in October 2007, with Intel agreeing to pay USD 150 million initially and USD 20 million per year for the next five years. Both companies agreed to drop lawsuits against each other, while Intel was granted a perpetual non-exclusive license to use current and future patented Transmeta technologies in its chips for 10 years.[72]
[edit] Anti-competitive allegations by regulatory bodies
See also: AMD v. Intel
[edit] Japan

In 2005, the local Fair Trade Commission found that Intel violated the Japanese Antimonopoly Act. The commission ordered Intel to eliminate discounts that had discriminated against AMD. To avoid a trial, Intel agreed to comply with the order.[73][74][75][76]
[edit] European Union

In July 2007, the European Commission accused Intel of anti-competitive practices, mostly against AMD.[77] The allegations, going back to 2003, include giving preferential prices to computer makers buying most or all of their chips from Intel, paying computer makers to delay or cancel the launch of products using AMD chips, and providing chips at below standard cost to governments and educational institutions.[78] Intel responded that the allegations were unfounded and instead qualified its market behavior as consumer-friendly.[79] General counsel Bruce Sewell responded that the Commission had misunderstood some factual assumptions as to pricing and manufacturing costs.[80]

In February 2008, Intel stated that its office in Munich had been raided by European Union regulators. Intel reported that it was cooperating with investigators.[81] Intel faced a fine of up to 10% of its annual revenue, if found guilty of stifling competition.[79] AMD subsequently launched a website promoting these allegations.[82][83] In June 2008, the EU filed new charges against Intel.[84] In May 2009, the EU found that Intel had engaged in anti-competitive practices and subsequently fined Intel €1.06 billion ($1.44 billion), a record amount. Intel was found to have paid companies, including Acer, Dell, HP, Lenovo and NEC,[85] to exclusively use Intel chips in their products, and therefore harmed other companies including AMD.[85][86][87] The European Commission said that Intel had deliberately acted to keep competitors out of the computer chip market and in doing so had made a "serious and sustained violation of the EU's antitrust rules".[85] In addition to the fine, Intel was ordered by the Commission to immediately cease all illegal practices.[85] Intel has stated that they will appeal against the Commission's verdict.[85]
[edit] South Korea

In September 2007, South Korean regulators accused Intel of breaking antitrust law. The investigation began in February 2006, when officials raided Intel's South Korean offices. The company risked a penalty of up to 3% of its annual sales, if found guilty.[88] In June 2008, the Fair Trade Commission ordered Intel to pay a fine of $25.5 million for taking advantage of its dominant position to offer incentives to major Korean PC manufacturers on the condition of not buying products from AMD.[89]
[edit] United States

New York started an investigation of Intel in January 2008 on whether the company violated antitrust laws in pricing and sales of its microprocessors.[90] In June 2008, the Federal Trade Commission also began an antitrust investigation of the case.